Building isegHAL from source


Currently the project can be build with the MinGW compiler only.

The development takes place with Qt 5.5.1 and MinGW 4.9.2 32-Bit.

Runtime requirements

The iseg HAL Remote Server uses secure sockets for communication.

For the Windows remote example, the Windows OpenSSL libraries are needed.


To build isegHAL, the following packages are needed:

Building libsocketcan

If the distribution does not contain libsocketcan, it can be compiled from source:

tar xjvf libsocketcan-0.0.10.tar.bz2
cd libsocketcan-0.0.10
sudo make install

Ubuntu Linux

sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev
sudo apt-get install libsocketcan-dev

Building with Qt Creator

Open the project file in Creator. Creator asks to setup a shadow-build directory, which should be accepted. Then the project can be build with build all (Ctrl+Shift+B).

Building by hand

Shadow-building (i.e. the build is done outside the source directory) is recommended. Qmake needs the build directory to be in parallel to the source directory (i.e. on the same directory depth), e.g.:

/home/user/src/isegHAL <-- the sources
/home/user/src/isegHAL-build <-- the build directory

mkdir isegHAL-build
cd isegHAL-build
qmake ../isegHAL/

Post build

The library (and it's symbolic links) must be copied to the system libraries (/usr/lib) to use them with user software (e.g. iseg Control).

If the library is not in the system library directory, then the library search path has to be extended, e.g. for the current directory:
