Function iseg_setItem

Writes an iseg item value which is specified by the item object to the data point.

IsegResult iseg_setItem(const char *name, const char *object, const char *value)

Parameter name is the session name passed to iseg_connect (for example "IF0").
Parameter object contains the fully qualified name for setting a new item value.
Parameter value contains the new value.
Return value is ISEG_OK if the object was stored into the data cache or ISEG_ERROR The value will be stored into the data cache, written to the device in background process and read back afterwards.

Example: iseg_setItem("IF0", "0.4.1.VoltageSet", "1000.5");

There are two different possibilities to set a control, an event status or an event mask data point, as a word instruction or as a bit array instruction.

 iseg_setItem("IF0", "0.4.1.Control", "8");
  Switch on HV channel 1 via an instruction by word manipulation.
  Please note, that only bit 3, HV on will be set. All other bits will be reset!
 iseg_setItem("IF0", "0.4.1.Control:3", "1");
  Switch on HV channel 1 via an instruction by bit manipulation.
  Please note, that bit 3, HV on will be set without affecting the other bits of the control word!

Please see the Module and Channel pages for a detailed description of the Control, Status, EventStatus and EventMask registers.