iseg white papers & application notes
2021/03 - High voltage power supplies for particle filter
Electrostatic precipitators or electrostatic particle filters are used to clean waste gases, especially in processes that emit a large quantity of waste gas particles. The high-voltage supplies required for this must be easy to integrate into the specific set-up. As a supplier of HV solutions, iseg has many years of expertise in this field, and all the experience gained from customer applications is incorporated into the design of our systems.
Application note: High voltage power supplies for particle filter as PDF (english, 750kB)2021/01 - High voltage power supplies for capacitor charging
In a conventional charger, the power fed into the capacitor derives from the charging voltage of the capacitor and the nominal current of the charger in a straight line. The nominal power of a standard charger can only be utilised at its nominal voltage. The extended operating area (EOA) of the HPS series allows the capacitor to be charged with its rated power from a much lower voltage compared to the nominal voltage. This reduces the capacitor's charging time.
Application note: High voltage power supplies for capacitor charging as PDF (english, 750kB)2016/01 - HPS-Option: Constant power operation in extended operation area (EOA)
This white paper describes the possibilities of constand power operation of HPS power high voltage supplies with EOA option (extended operation area). The advantages like smaller power rating, cost efficiency and less space requirements are important for applications like capacitor charging or plasma creation.
Download white paper EOA constant power as PDF (german, 187kB)2015/01 - Success story of iseg HV-supplies at Super-Kamiokande / Japan
This paper describes the iseg mission at Super Kamiokande project in Japan. iseg supplied about 12,000 HV channels with 24ch. EDS modules.
Download white paper EDS at Superkamiokande as PDF (english, 450kB)